5 January 2013

happy new year

After a break from technology over Christmas I'm back.  My focus of late has been the veggie garden and harvesting produce with every visit, I can't keep up with the zucchini, cucumber, snow peas, beans and rhubarb.  All delicious.

I made a two more gingerbread houses a couple of days before Christmas (nothing like a last minute production) and some bunting to make the garden more festive.

Today I made something I've been wanting for ages, a tea cosie/cozy/cosy.  Another Nanna crafty item I love.  I followed a tutorial on The Purl Bee which was very simple, the bits in the tutorial I decided to skip are obvious in the final product.  Best to follow the instructions more closely next time.  I used some more of my Tokyo fabric and lined it with polka dot fabric (of course).

In the pipeline for the next week are two more Nicole Mallalieu bags and I have to seriously think about branching out sewing wise. 

1 comment:

  1. Super cute tea cosy. What gorgeous fabric. I'm booked into a Nicole M course at Addicted to Fabric in March. Can't wait!!
