9 December 2012

a bit of christmas

In the last week I've 'made' two Christmas trees.  As my flat is quite small I had to make something suitable so I've gone with some decorated sticks in a vase.  My niece was very worried that I couldn't afford a proper tree.

I made a tree out of books at work, it's a tad wonky.

And I made my first Christmas pudding in a cloth, it was time I learnt the family recipe.  This pudding is the spare to go into the freezer.  Looks a bit revolting but I'm sure it will taste good.


  1. That tree is superb! What a fantastic idea.

  2. what a fantastic idea. I am thinking of making one using a sewing machine. Please share your opinion on it.

  3. Great idea. I'm loving this. Please share your opinion on Best sewing machine.
