15 December 2012

gingerbread house

For the last five or six years (I can't remember) I've made a gingerbread house with my friends two daughters to take to their family Christmas do.  In the early years I gave them help with the icing and sticking on the lollies.  Now I bake the house and 'glue' it together and leave them to it, this year they wanted to cover it in lollies.

They do a side each and take turns doing the front and back each year.  The weight of the icing and lollies have given the house a bit of a lean this year but fingers crossed it will stay together until Christmas day.

It's such a fun project for everyone, I stick with the same design as it works for me but would like to branch out one year.  I always love seeing what the White House comes up with each year, maybe a bit too grand for me but it's amazing what can be made out of gingerbread.

9 December 2012

a bit of christmas

In the last week I've 'made' two Christmas trees.  As my flat is quite small I had to make something suitable so I've gone with some decorated sticks in a vase.  My niece was very worried that I couldn't afford a proper tree.

I made a tree out of books at work, it's a tad wonky.

And I made my first Christmas pudding in a cloth, it was time I learnt the family recipe.  This pudding is the spare to go into the freezer.  Looks a bit revolting but I'm sure it will taste good.